Corollary meaning in Urdu

Naval Kishor
3 min readJun 3, 2022
Corollary meaning in Urdu

Corollary meaning in Urdu. There are two different ways to say corollary in Urdu and Hindi. The one that you would use depends on the context of your sentence. To begin with, if you want to describe something as being subordinate or secondary, you should use the Urdu word (Urdu: تضمینی). This is the most commonly used way to say corollary in Urdu.
What’s the meaning of corollary in Urdu? We have the answer, along with other translations from Urdu to English. Check it out!

The Protagonist Meaning in Urdu and Its Importance

Synonyms and antonyms Corollary

The corollary is a word that shares the same or similar meanings with other words. Corollary is sometimes used as synonyms but not always, If we take antonyms then corollary has the following antonyms: Additional, Circumstantial, Consequent, and Subsidiary. This means the following words are opposite to our given word ‘Corollary’: Irrelevant, Unnecessary, and unnecessary. Corollary falls under the following categories: Meaning of Corolleayr in English Dictionary & Synonyms: Definitions of Corolleayr / Meaning of Corolleayr / Word Meanings. Corollary meaning in Urdu

Example sentence — Corollary meaning in Urdu

Corollary meaning in Urdu

Corollary meaning in Urdu

In mathematics, a corollary (or lemma) is a theorem that can be proved from another theorem. In other words, a theorem (the first statement) gives rise to one or more corollaries (the second statement), which provide additional information. For example, Gauss’s lemma states that any quadrilateral inscribed in a circle has exactly two pairs of opposite sides parallel. The same fact holds for any convex quadrilateral inscribed in an ellipse.

Relevant quotes about corollary

In mathematics, a corollary is a proposition that follows easily from some previously proved theorem or definition. The word comes from the Latin corollary, diminutive of corollas little garland, diminutive of corolla garland.

Other information about the term

Corollary means something that follows as a result. In a sentence, it would be like, The development of supercomputers led to an increase in knowledge. The development of supercomputers was a corollary to the increase in knowledge.

Corollary Urdu Meaning — Corollary meaning in Urdu

کرولير (khuru’eyr) or قسم اختصاری به عنوان معلول است. Corollary English Meaning: The definition of Corollary can be simply defined as a proposition, which, though not proved by any preceding proposition, is proved by the same evidence which proves that preceding one. Corollary meaning in Urdu.

Corollary meaning in Urdu

There are generally a few implications of each word in Urdu, the right significance of Corollary in Urdu is منطقی نتیجہ, and in roman, we compose it Mantaqi Nateeja. Different implications are Mantaqi Nateeja. The end product is a thing, plural culminations as indicated by grammatical forms. It tracks down its beginnings in Late Middle English: from Latin corollarium ‘cash paid for a festoon or chaplet; tip’ (in late Latin ‘derivation’), from corolla, modest of crown ‘wreath, crown, chaplet’.

There are additionally a few comparative words to Corollary in our word reference, which are Aftereffect, Analogy, Consequence, Culmination, Effect, End, Induction, Inference, Issue, Precipitate, Result, Sequel, Sequence, and Upshot. Aside from comparative words, there are generally inverse words in word reference as well, the contrary words for Corollary are Beginning, Cause, Commencement, Foundation, Opening, Origin, Source, and Start. Conclusion is spelled as .

Synonyms For Corollary , Similar to Corollary, corollary synonym- Corollary meaning in Urdu

Aftereffect, Analogy, Consequence, Culmination, Effect, End, Induction, Inference, Issue, Precipitate, Result, Sequel, Sequence, Upshot,

Antonyms For Corollary , Opposite to Corollary — Corollary meaning in Urdu

Beginning, Cause, Commencement, Foundation, Opening, Origin, Source, Start

Form Noun, Plural Corollaries.

How To Spell Corollary

Origin of Corollary Late Middle English: from Latin corollarium ‘money paid for a garland or chaplet; gratuity’ (in late Latin ‘deduction’), from corolla, diminutive of corona ‘wreath, crown, chaplet’.

Corollary meaning in english

corollary meaning in hindi

