The Protagonist Meaning in Urdu and Its Importance

Naval Kishor
3 min readMay 20, 2022

The Protagonist Meaning in Urdu and Its Importance

The word protagonist means the leading character or actor in a play, movie, book, etc. The protagonist will usually be the hero of the story, but it can also be an anti-hero or villain if you’re talking about a drama or thriller novel. The term can apply to literary characters as well as real people such as Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. The protagonist meaning in Urdu will help you understand this term and give you more insight into other languages, so let’s take a look at its definition!

Protagonist Meaning In Urdu

The word protagonist is derived from the Greek language. This word means the first actor of a drama. If a drama has more than one character, it will have more than one protagonist. But generally, only one protagonist leads a novel or movie story. For example, if we take Aesop’s fable Hercules And The Wagoner, Hercules is the protagonist of that story because he dominates it by his character, actions, and deeds. In English literature there are many classic novels in which the protagonist plays an important role; we can mention Shakespearean dramas here like Othello (Othello is its main hero), Hamlet (Hamlet), Macbeth (Macbeth), etc.

Definitions of Protagonist

Protagonist Meaning in Urdu

Pro·tag·o·nist: prō-ˈtä-jə-nist noun: One of two or more people who are equally important, but has opposing aims, needs, or natures. The protagonist is a primary character in a narrative work. He or she may be either good or evil; that is determined by how they relate to other characters. If they are on opposite sides of an issue from another character, he/she is an antagonist; if not, he/she is a protagonist. Thus an antagonist can become a protagonist and vice versa. Note that protagonists are sometimes known as heroes or antiheroes, depending on their respective attitudes toward society.

Synonyms For Protagonist — Protagonist Meaning in Urdu

Protagonist Meaning in Urdu

Leading Role/Leading Character: A protagonist plays a leading role or character in a story. In the film, a protagonist is often called the lead or the star. This means that it takes center stage as opposed to other characters in films, plays, stories, novels, etc.

Antonyms For Protagonist — Protagonist Meaning in Urdu

The protagonist of a literary work is its main character, but literary critics often refer to an antagonist as well. In these terms, the antagonist can refer to any character who impedes or opposes another — so, while a story may have only one protagonist, it may also have several antagonists. To put it simply: if you are pro-choice, then you might consider all pro-life activists antagonists.

Protagonist Urdu Meaning — Protagonist Meaning in Urdu

The protagonist (Urdu — واسطی) refers to a person or other entity that plays a leading role in any event, scene, or situation. In popular literature, protagonists are often thought of as having more moral fortitude than their opposites.

Next to Protagonist — Protagonist Meaning in Urdu

The word protagonist has two meanings. First, it refers to a person who is in some way responsible for starting or creating something. Second, it is also used to describe one of two main characters who play a leading role in a story. A character can be both at once if he or she starts something which becomes more important over time (such as The Wizard of Oz ’s Dorothy Gale).

Previous to Protagonist

Although the protagonist is a relatively new word to English (having only entered the language in the late 19th century), it isn’t a new concept. The word protagonist comes from Greek, meaning the main character of a drama or story. In ancient Greece, the protagonist referred to someone who was an early supporter of an idea or movement; today, we use protagonist to refer to anyone who plays a central role in something.

What are the quotes with the word protagonist?

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. — Henry Ford.
Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today. — James Dean.

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